Choose Profile

Standard: 1/2 to 3/4 " deep and would typically require framing.

6 x 8"

$195.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

8 x 10"

$295.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

11 x 14"

$395.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

14 x 18"

$495.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

18 x 24"

$770.00 + $45 Shipping/Insurance

24 x 30"

$970.00 + $45 Shipping/Insurance




Gallery: 1 3/8" to 1 1/2" deep with painted edges, does not need framing and works well with contemporary styles .

6 x 8"

$275.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

8 x 10"

$325.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

11 x 14"

$425.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

14 x 18"

$525.00 + $30 Shipping/Insurance

18 x 24"

$800.00 + $45 Shipping/Insurance

24 x 30"

$1000.00 + $45 Shipping/Insurance




Prices are for one pet and plain background

Additional pet or figure, $65.00 each

Patterned or complex background $65.00




Be sure to go to the NEXT PAGE (click here)
to upload photos after placing your order.

For any questions, international or special orders, please contact us.